
The ability to take risks in order to benefit (in the long run).

understands the reach of a risk that is taken
distinguishes between courage and bravado
takes accountable risks

chooses an approach that is not quite in accordance with standard procedures when facing a problem
seeks, when necessary, for solutions beyond the conventional ones
takes personal risks regularly and is not afraid to express bold opinions
is willing to choose an approach that has not been tried before
expresses uncommon, original views

prefers a promising plan with unknown risks over a mediocre plan that offers certainty
offers products or services to clients that have not been offered before
commits to completely new activities that are innovative and feasible
expresses constructive criticism in the organization's interest
takes responsibility for actions the consequences of which are uncertain

dares to invest in partnerships that involve risks but may be of use for the organization
makes decisions that could change the image of the entire organization
estimates and spreads the risks connected with new activities
invests in new experiments without being certain of their outcome
is guided by his/her intuition

Courage can be easily developed if the candidate has a more than average score (7,8,9) on the drives Independent thinking & acting and Self-esteem and a less than average score (1,2,3) on the drive Conformity.

Could you give an example of a ‘risky’ decision that turned out positively?
Could you give an example of a ‘risky’ decision that turned out negatively?
Do you like to gamble? Could you give an example of a gamble you took that turned out positively?
What was the biggest risk you ever took in your life? How did it turn out?

Say ‘no’ more often.
Come up with a proposition more often, even if you cannot quite see the consequences. Simply try it and see what exactly those consequences are.
Try and say phrases like: ‘I think’, ‘In my opinion’ more often.
Try to think outside the box.
Analyze someone who is more courageous than you are, observe his behavior and its consequences, and the risks he takes.

Investigate with your candidate what is keeping him from showing courage in certain situations.
Encourage your candidate to form an agreement with his superior regarding the way he could show more courage in his work.
Investigate with your candidate whether he has been in situations in which he showed courage while others did not. How come he managed to do so in that particular situation?
Investigate with your candidate whether he has been in situations in which he did not show courage while others did. What was the risk assessment of those others compared to your candidate’s? What stopped him from taking that risk?
Encourage your candidate to ask a colleague to signal him when the colleague feels the candidate is missing opportunities due to a lack of courage.
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