Is driven by achievements such as sports or academic performances. Wants to be socially successful, has a competitive nature. Is strongly motivated, likes challenges and wants to perform well. May find it hard to find a balance between work and private life; focuses strongly on his career and being successful. Can be fanatical and dissatisfied with too little challenges, in which case he may look for a different work environment.
sense of perspective regarding success and achievements
Is driven by contentment and rather happy with things as they are. Tends to see winning, success and achievements in perspective and focuses little on career advancements. Is loyal to his work environment, particularly if it is hardly competitive. Tends to be leveling rather than competitive and generous towards other people's success.
Is driven by a tendency to adapt to rules and frameworks in force; likes to comply with procedures, values and guidelines. Tends to be formal. Wants to do what is right and socially acceptable; sticks to the principle “a deal is a deal”. Is usually regarded as a person of responsibility and integrity by her peers. May be too strict in applying rules; finds it hard, sometimes, to read between the lines. Usually wants to meet other people's expectations.
Has little need for rules and standard procedures; is flexible applying them. Tends to be informal and to dislike bureaucracy. May be groundbreaking and bend existing rules creatively. Sometimes walks away from responsibilities; is seen as an adventurer by others, someone who goes her own way. Is hardly affected by other people's expectations, not eager to meet them – even if they seem reasonable.
Needs to clearly set and guard her boundaries. Has a strong sense of justice, likes to come up for a cause. Often responds assertively, fends strongly for himself and others. Dares to confront others and to engage in conflicts. Shows annoyance when irritated, may be intolerant and sometimes appear aggressive. Wears his heart on his sleeve and addresses tensions, frictions and other annoyances that others may be afraid to bring up – which often clears the air.
Has strong self-control, will not easily get upset or respond angrily. Is tolerant and forgiving; rather avoids confrontations, may walk away from a conflict. Wants to keep the peace. Acts cautiously in order to maintain harmony; tries to de-escalate crises before they intensify. Often lacks assertiveness, is unclear setting boundaries and may be brushed aside easily.
Is driven by initiative and a desire to take decisions quickly and efficiently. Likes to solve problems effectively and gets to the point without delay. Holds strong opinions and sticks to decisions, which he tends to make without first consulting with others. Responds impulsively when confronted with a choice, considers few options before deciding and has a strong sense of urgency when doing so..
Likes to consider different points of view and various facts and circumstances before taking a decision and takes time to do so. Prefers to act and decide after consulting with others and strives to reach consensus first. Tends to wait for other people's decisions and listens carefully to their arguments. Has little difficulty going back on decisions once made. Sometimes risks remaining in a consideration and consultation phase without coming to a decision or arriving at it too late.
Is driven by powerful action and likes to lead and be influential within a team. May be dominantly convincing and directive; likes to make decisions for and set directions for others. Is usually very visible, strongly determines the overall atmosphere and may come across as authoritarian, thus provoking resistance..
Feels little need for others to follow her; may have difficulty convincing others dominantly of her ideas, interests or views. Will try to exert influence in a subtle manner, usually arousing little resistance from others and having a more indirect impact. Is careful not to brush other people aside and usually compliant. Will leave others to determine the overall atmosphere and direction in which to go.
Has a strong need for action, is very enterprising and full of energy to perform tasks and achieve goals. Likes to get a move on. Is productive and enthusiastic, usually feels up to anything and takes initiative, sometimes too quickly. Sometimes feels other people or circumstances are in his way. May be impatient, easily bored and restless. Strongly focuses on action, may risk making mistakes or being reckless.
Is driven by his own peace of mind. Is patient, calm and tends to sit on the fence; usually allows others to take initiative, is more of a follower. May feel that others are going too fast or wanting too much. Rarely acts immediately; tends to be cautious and risks making few mistakes. Will not easily get ahead of things and is well able to slow down and save his own energy.
Is more extraverted, driven by self-expression. Likes to be noted, to be the centre of attention; likes to talk about his own experiences. Is usually optimistic and shows a certain flair. Has a sense of humor, uncomplicated self-confidence and a positive sense of self, may be impulsive. Is potentially charismatic, knows how to present himself, is noticeably in the foreground. May draw attention away from others and come across as self-satisfied.
Is more introverted, prefers to operate in the background and stay out of the limelight; is fairly common, unnoticeable. Hardly presents himself and may have difficulty opening up to others; allows others to be in the foreground and tends to respect their behavior. Only says what he thinks is relevant and necessary; is unlikely to reveal anything he shouldn't.
Is driven by helping and supporting others; responds strongly to other people's needs by providing care and assistance. Acts out of devotion and without self-interest; may risk acting against his own interests. Likes to be there for others, do something extra for them, provide service. Usually finds it hard to say no and to delegate; tends to take over other people's tasks. Expects or demands little responsibility from other people.
Assumes that other people can take their own responsibilities and are self-reliant. Adopts a business-like attitude; is more likely to provide a service when he will benefit from it. Stands up for his own interests; may not sufficiently take other people's needs into account and may come across as self-centered. Transfers duties and delegates with ease. Is not naturally inclined to help or assist others.
Is driven by autonomy and freedom of thought. Likes to form his own opinions, views and judgments. Prefers to act independently without too much deliberation or taking other people's views into account and without having to account for his decisions. May be less transparent or accessible, sometimes self-depending or headstrong – which can cause resistance. Can be quite unconcerned regarding other people's views and opinions and is not easily managed or directed; likes to do his own thing, regardless of team spirit or culture.
Is driven by collectivity and working towards a communal goal. Likes to deliberate and to work together with his team; is accessible and prefers a collegial harmony. Is an easily managed team player who adapts easily to a group. Tends to follow other people's view; depends on leadership and other team members, may be easily influenced. Has no difficulty accounting for her actions; is transparent. Is sensitive to other people's positions and interests; tends to wait for consensus or approval from others before acting.
Is driven by receiving recognition for his own work and achievements. Values personal status highly. Needs to be complimented and appreciated personally. May find it hard to deal with criticism and feedback – even if it is constructive. May seem somewhat self-satisfied. Usually values a decent personal appearance; likes to look good and presentable.
Is driven by a moderate view on his own achievements and hardly depends on personal status and recognition. Is rather humble and not overly sensitive to compliments – which he doesn't really need. Is hardly motivated by status or recognition. Tends to be temperate and see his own status in perspective. Deals well with feedback and criticism, even if it is personal and not particularly constructive. Performance and appearance may seem somewhat careless or too casual.
Strongly needs agreement, support and understanding – especially in case of stress or adversity. Has an urge to be heard and understood. Values and depends on a warm and sympathetic atmosphere; appreciates sincere interest, is grateful for help and support. Likes to work in a team where people fend for each other. Will easily ask for support; may feel things in life are „against' him.
Is driven by independence; needs little agreement, help or understanding in order to function. Presents as tough even when facing serious adversity; may seem less sensitive. Usually functions without any support or guidance; may lose out on his team's potential by not sufficiently addressing its support or back-up. May risk taking on too much himself. Demands little energy or attention from others when attempting something new.
Is driven by structure; likes to start with a plan, tends to be efficient. Is accurate, has an eye for detail, likes neatness. Has difficulty handling hectic situations, chaos and sloppiness. May find it hard to think outside the box; likes to stick to existing structures and frameworks, may, therefore, come across as rigid. Turns chaos into order; prefers to work in a neat and tidy environment. Is usually on time and meticulous in meeting appointments.
Is driven by a focus on the bigger picture and by flexibility; has strong creative and innovative powers. Has little eye for detail, may even be sloppy. Handles hustle and bustle well; goes with the flow. Has little need for a structured, methodical approach, is flexible in terms of method. May lose sight by planning insufficiently and be consequently inefficient.
Is driven by perseverance; likes to work on intently, to stick to a task or project in order to get it done. Follows a certain direction even when facing severe adversity; will try to overcome any obstacles. Is unlikely to look for easy alternatives or to give up; may risk pursuing dead ends. Is intrinsically motivated to work hard and to finish a project successfully.
Prefers to work smart rather than hard. Has little difficulty letting go of things, particularly if they seem tiring or unsuccessful; risks abandoning projects prematurely unless externally motivated. Often finds it hard to finish something; tends to chose the path of least resistance, to look for alternatives when facing obstacles, to change course.
Is driven by a practical mentality and by attaining results. Likes to make to best use of means and money, is focused on not wasting anything; tasks and actions have to have added value. Is calculating, efficient and solution oriented. Attaches little value to rituals and special occasions if they don't account to anything extra. Is only interested in theory if it is feasible and adds something to everyday practice.
Is driven by a theoretical framework, focuses more on abstract than on concrete aspects. Hardly prioritizes means and money; is not necessarily focused on added value. Values rituals, symbols and special occasions such as birthdays and anniversaries without looking for a pay-off. Tends to be more interested in everyday practice when it is based on a theoretical framework.
Strongly focused on attaining results, likes to work towards concrete goals and stick to them. Is likely to determine objectives and depend on their course; may feel lost when not given a clear direction and given little possibilities to follow the one of his own. May have difficulties diverting from a set course – even if objectives are unlikely to be attained.
Is focused more on processes than on attaining results. Commits little to set goals and hardly sticks to them. Is well able to handle vaguely defined objectives; improvises or changes course with ease. May lack a sense of direction but dares to engage in projects without having a clear purpose. Sometimes risks not attaining desired results
Is driven by admiration for people who inspire or intrigue him. Is sensitive to superiors' positive recognition. Has a strong sense of hierarchy; wants to be recognized and liked by people he respects and regards as knowledgeable. Is easily advised by them. Is ready to admire others and express his admiration.
Focuses on his own position and likes to see relations based on equality; is unlikely to look up to other people's achievements or to compliment those people for them. Sees any hierarchies in perspective, is hardly sensitive to them. Has little respect for „important' people; is hard to impress or to influence by other people's authority. Has little difficulty approaching people, regardless of their status.
Is driven by a desire to be responsible for people and projects and to assert influence over them. Likes to be in control, to take initiative. Tends to be directive and to adopt a responsible role within a team; feels that role becomes him best. May be overly controlling, or try to maneuver himself into a leadership position. Has difficulty delegating. Often makes decisions he feels are necessary for the team; may come across as insensitive.
Releases responsibilities with ease; has little difficulty delegating or passing on tasks. Tends to be pliable and compliant; easily acknowledges someone else to be in charge. Prefers other people to lead and take important decisions, is likely to accept the outcome. May be too resigned.
Is driven by self-confidence and mentally very stabile. Can take on a lot, rarely suffers from emotional outbursts and is not easily unbalanced. Can handle emotional experiences well, is resilient and usually optimistic. Is rarely hindered by fear of failure and usually daring but may walk away from taking responsibility for mistakes and risk being overconfident.
Is driven by avoiding mistakes, may tend to perfectionism or suffer from performance anxiety. Is sensitive to overall atmosphere and to external (especially negative) impressions, emotionally involved and likely to lose his cool after a stressful event. Takes matters personally, sees a mistake's consequences readily and tends to blame himself for it; is very self-critical.
Is driven by friendly relationships and a need for contact; is focused on social networking and communication. Values friendships greatly and likes to invest in them; is more than willing to help and assist friends and needs to be on good terms with them. Is at ease with other people, likes to bring people together; is a potential networker. Regards new people easily as friends, is usually friendly and intrinsically team oriented. Tends to be more motivated when he is part of a team.
Needs to maintain a limited number of relationships; is individually oriented, likes to be alone. Values quality in friendships, not quantity. Communicates when needed and only what is necessary; is rather reserved than amicable when meeting with other people, has the ability to be quiet. Prefers smaller groups over crowds; may be a bit stiff or shy among other people. Evaluates people carefully before regarding them as friends, applies strict criteria for friendships, is cautious in selecting relationships.
Has a need to understand other people's character, motivations and experiences. Is sincerely interested in others, intrinsically empathetic, sensitive and well able to sympathize or to see through others. Has well developed social antennae. Approaches other people's feelings tactfully; has no difficulty putting himself in someone else's place. Tends to ask further questions, listens carefully. Is very intuitive and has well developed diplomatic skills. May let other people's problems prevail too much and have difficulty taking decisions that have tough consequences for others.
Focuses on facts and functionality; responds to concrete, visible behavior. Can be blunt in his communication; is very straightforward, may seem to lack subtlety. Is straightforward in his approach; is usually only empathetic when functionally required. Has no difficulty placing business interests before other people's personal interests and feelings. Has little difficulty making unpopular decisions or communicating tough messages that may have negative consequences for other people.
Is driven by excitement. Handles external pressure very well; is stable, not easily unbalanced even under severe pressure. Is unlikely to regard complaints or problems as urgent; sees problems in perspective, sometimes plays down larger problems. May come across as stoical or indifferent. Works better under constraint or with deadlines; has difficulty functioning in a dull or quiet environment. Tends to leave a task alone until the very last moment.
Has a strong need for a peaceful and calm work environment in order to perform. Pressure and hectic situations may lead to an emotional response, even to panic. Is very committed; quickly sees the urgency of problems and complaints – even minor ones. Is unlikely to ever play them down or put them in perspective; will rather prioritize them out of concern. Has no difficulty with uneventful circumstances.
Is driven by variety and variation in tasks and surroundings. Often likes to do something new and avoids beaten tracks. Possesses a pioneer's mind and innovative powers and may, therefore, have difficulties with concentration and with setting priorities. May be easily distracted but has little difficulties being disturbed at work. Is open to change and new things. Is curious and interested in the unknown. Has an eye for his surroundings and usually a helicopter vision.
Is driven by focus on tasks and surroundings. Is well able to concentrate, finds it difficult to be disturbed. Prefers to work on a limited number of tasks and rather finishes something before engaging in something new. Sets priorities easily. Occasionally loses sight of his surroundings due to his strict focus. Has little need for new or unknown experiences and some difficulty with change as such. Rather sticks to what is familiar and is, therefore, a loyal employee.